FSQS expands the community of Financial Services Organisations
We are pleased to see the community rapidly growing as more financial service organisations take advantage of the FSQS service. Recent new members, Chetwood Financial and Moody's are now being joined by Fidelity International, HSBC and OSB Group making a total of 75 financial services organisations using FSQS to support their supplier and third-party qualification, compliance, and risk management processes.
The FSQS concept involved creating a collaborative system where suppliers can fill out and keep up a single profile. This profile is then shared by their major customers in the financial services sector. This helps to reduce the duplication of effort and cost associated with qualification and compliance.
We are thrilled that this vision has now been fully realised as more financial services organisations are joining FSQS. There are now over 70 banks, building societies, and insurance financial services organisations within the FSQS community of purchasers.
What are the benefits of the FSQS Community?
FSQS helps introduce responsible business practices and is now being used, by more than 70 Banks, Building Societies and Insurance companies:
First Central Group |
PCF Bank |
We are pleased to welcome the new buying organisations to the FSQS community and congratulate Helios on gaining greater visibility in the financial services sector of the FSQS system.
With the decisions of more organisations to join the FSQS Community, it should result in even more significant reductions in duplication of time and effort as the same profile information is shared and used for qualification and compliance by all banks, building societies and insurers using FSQS. The principle of this community approach is that the benefits increase each time another bank or major financial services organisation joins the FSQS Community.
Please visit Hellios services for more details.
What information is shared in the FSQS Community?
The vast majority of information collected by FSQS relates to the supplier's company and its policies and procedures, plus the products and services which are supplied. Some of the questions asked are specific to a particular customer and where there are answers to questions that have been provided, which are deemed to be specific to a particular customer, this data will only be shared with the applicable customer and will not be shared with any other bank or financial services organisation or that may join FSQS in future.
ARCivate has achieved FSQS supplier qualification
accreditation for the financial sector
See how we can help you;
Mi Invoices Automated Invoice Processing
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No PO No Pay Policy – the key benefits and challenges
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