How to get staff on board with using new accounts payable software
Empower your team to be part of the change
Whilst the managers who have decided to implement the great new invoice automation software may well be excited about what benefits it will bring, initial reactions from the staff who are going to be using it day to day, may well be less enthusiastic.
People don’t like change. Changing long-established ways of working is hard, learning new software is hard, and staff may feel slightly threatened by its implementation.
After seeing first-hand over many years, what it takes to successfully implement new accounts payable software, here are my top tips to getting your users on board and thriving with the new processes.
1. Identify a ‘promoter’ in each department
Firstly, I know it sounds obvious, but you need promoters of the system who are vocal and positive about it. Make sure each department who uses the system has at least one promoter. They should know the system really well and most importantly the reasons why it was put in place.
Diagrams and images will really help promoters show and tell how to do the basics and people can often learn quicker with this method
2. Have a process in place to deal with feedback
Handling negative feedback is a key part of the change process. People don’t like changes to a process unless they know why and understand what benefits it will bring. This is why you need to make sure your promoters are good communicators and understand the need to communicate openly and often.
Promoters should be prepared to handle questions and any minor issues first-hand, before they become inflated problems.
Make sure they are trained and know enough otherwise they won’t be effective.
3. Create a suggestions board
A suggestions board dedicated to the new software is a great outlet where users can give feedback, ask questions or make suggestions, which will help create a well-run accounts payable process
If any of the suggestions are good then consider implementing them, but not before letting the world know who suggested it and making a fuss of them!
4. Encourage ongoing training
Suggest a time and place where users can get informal additional training and ask questions and most of all, encourage them to attend. It’s important that users keep improving how they use the platform. They also need to keep up to date with changes and updates so that they can use the software to its fullest.
Think about how a video or webinar may help to train users who cannot always come to the office and what materials might work best.
5. Chart the progress
The accounts payable management can chart the progress in a visually and easily understandable way. This could show detail such as the best department for approvals over time and how this has improved since the new system was deployed. It’s important to keep people motivated and for them to see the benefits it is bringing.
Change is hard, particularly when it comes with a learning curve. The key to success in implementing new software in your accounts payable team is to empower your team from the start to be a part of the improvement of your business.
You may also be interested in our Best Practices recommendation for your Accounts Payable team to communicate with your suppliers when implementing change. Including our observations and ideas from our experiences that we know work and the top eight tips for getting what you need from your suppliers.
We would not expect you to implement all of them but look at what could work for your organisation and see which ones you could implement to gain some quick wins.
You can also listen to our podcast on Accounts Payable Supplier Communications Purchase-to-Pay Best Practices to maximise invoice automation
For additional information on accounts payable, please see 
Welcome to our new series of Living Room Fireside Chats.
In these sessions, we will have an open conversation to help you navigate the process of implementing a new Invoice Automation solution alongside your Oracle ERP platform to enhance your P2P business processes.
Our first session is titled "It's All About the RFP" where we will discuss the issues and concerns we see in the RFP's we receive and how to improve your RFP to ensure that you obtain what you actually require and need to ensure success.

Eight ways your accounts payable team can communicate with your suppliers
It’s not really about the technology. whether it’s Oracle ERP Cloud, EBusiness Suite or something else It’s about the communication. Communication not only with your team but also with your suppliers, focused on what benefits they too are going to get out of it.